Welcome to my carrd! I'm Puffo, a digital artist and college student from Argentina.Check out my Ko-Fi for special and discounted slots as well as monthly art with my subscription!Work message replies up to 08:00 PM (Argentina timezone)
I usually won't reply during weekends or holidays.

Icon: DoxAmber on twitter / Background GIF: Steven universe

˚₊✦ I announce commission slots via my telegram channel and discord server! ✦₊˚
Don't worry! No need to socialize in either of them ;) they're exclusively for slot announcements.

Work message replies up to 08:00 PM (Argentina timezone)
I usually won't reply during weekends or holidays.

Last update of examples: 16th of Sept 2024.

Work Process

🕑 Waiting time: up to 1 month and a half (45 days) at most after the first WIP is sent to fully complete a drawing. This is just an estimate that may vary depending on different factors (current queue, magnitude of the order, etc)💵 Full payment must be sent upfront before starting. Do not send the money before I have accepted the commission even if I have previously worked with you.💵 Refunds: After sketch stage you will receive 75%, after lineart is finished you'll receive 50%. After color it is a case to case basis. You can cancel the commission before work is commenced and you will be fully refunded.🖌️ Big changes (changing the position of a body part, adding or modifying clothing, etc) will only be possible at the sketch stage except in the case of mistakes made by me.🖌️ Will & won't do: listed in detail on my terms of service.🖌️ On telegram sticker packs, you must include the credit sticker.🖌️ You can ask for a commission's concept to be changed if I have not started with the sketch. If the new character(s) that you pick are complicated, the appropiate fees will apply.⚠️ You must state that you have read and agree to my terms of service via a google form , which you will be sent when contacting me, before ordering a commission. You can access them clicking the button bellow. I will not debate or compromise on my terms nor will I take responsibility for any consequences or issues caused for not reading them before accepting them.

Add ons:

  • Extra characters are +100% of the original price.

  • Complex designs will add +15% to the price.

  • Gradient and simple pattern backgrounds are free. Ask for quotes for complex backgrounds as they are case specific.

  • Simple objects in general are optional, free, and only included by request unless I am given artistic freedom (ex: a balloon, a pencil etc)

  • Complex objects will add to the price and are only included by request unless I am given artisic freedom (ex: a weapon, a backpack, a burger, etc)

  • If you want your piece to never be publicly displayed in any of my social medias or as a commission example, an extra fee of 30% will apply.

  • Deadlines of less than 10 days within ordering will add an extra fee to the final price. (This mostly only applies for big pieces) I don't work with deadlines without previous discussion.

Lined pieces

Flat color:

  • Bust ················· $18USD

  • Halfbody ········ $30USD

  • Fullbody ········· $40USD

Full Shading:

  • Bust ················· starts at $35USD

  • Halfbody ········ starts at $55USD

  • Fullbody ········· starts at $75USD

Fully shaded pieces will usually be quoted with the base prices mentioned unless the pose, character, outfit, etc are more complex than usual and/or the person asks for a complex background.Full shading is fully refined with lineart details that are exclusive to this type of piece.

Telegram Stickers

  • 1 sticker ············ $15USD

  • 3 stickers ·········· $40USD

  • 5 stickers ·········· $65USD

  • 8 stickers ·········· $100USD

  • 10 stickers ········ $125USD

Maximum of 10 stickers per order for the sake of time management.Flat halfbody in a chibi / simplified style with a white outline. Size is 512x512 pixels.Small objects and props can be added for free, I can also work with memes.

Reference sheets


  • Regular character ·········· $75USD

  • Complex character ········ starts at $90

Includes a front view fullbody, a bust, teeth & tongue, pawpads and a color palette. Ask about accessories.


  • Regular character ·········· $100USD

  • Complex character ········· starts at $120

Includes a front view fullbody, a back view halfbody, a bust, an outfit chibi, muzzle to show off teeth & tongue, pawpads, and a color palette. Ask about accessories.


Be sure to check out my Ko-Fi monthly subscription to get early access to art and get monthly art of your characters! The first tier is $1USD. Requests open monthly for all tiers! Some examples above.Monthly art starts at $3USD, slots are limited.

Interested in something that isn't listed here? Contact me privately with your idea and I can give you a quote! I can adjust my style and techniques to your needs :)

About me:

Hiya! I'm a furry artist, fursuiter and college student from Argentina currently studying to be an English teacher. I go by both she / he pronouns and identify as queer. In all honestly, I'm merely a rabbit pretending to be a human on the internet.I'm in several fandoms, tho I seldom engange with the communities because people scare me.I rarely socialize with strangers and generally don't befriend clients due to past experiences.

My characters:

The Beast™
Main fursona

Three Losers and a Gamer
Secondary fursonas

All images are clickable and redirect to their toyhouse profiles!

About my Art:

Like a lot of other online furry artists, I've always dreamt of becoming a full-time artist. Although this wasn't viable for me for many, many different factors (not only monetary reasons surprisingly!) I'm still very happy to put all of the time and energy I'm physically able into this! Art will forever be my calling despite the circumstantes and it's genuinely my life purpose whether I can live off of it or not.The English language was only a form of escapism for me as a teen, but it quickly turned into my vocation after a few internships. Even though art will forever be my one true love, teaching and the English language are things I'm equally passionate about >:)

I've been really into pokemon go and able to play again since 2021! I also have an insta where I post some of my shinies, hundos and other stuff.

My interests:

I really like species characters! Tho as mentioned, I rarely interact with the communities.

I'm also a fursuiter! My suits are Otis the dog (partial, he) and Mitsky the cat (head and tail, she)I got Otis as a custom made suit and Mitsky as a second hand premade.

Adopts terms of use

Failure to follow these rules will end up in a block, a possible permanent blacklisting and, depending on the severity of the offense, a public callout post across my social medias. These rules are inherent to the character and apply whether new owners have read them or not.(Spanish) Si hablas español y necesitas una traducción de las reglas, mandame un mensaje por privado. No haber leído las reglas no te absuelve de las consecuencias ante cualquier infracción.

✦ Don't sell characters for more than what you bought them for unless they have extra art. If the character was gifted to you, you can only gift them unless the previously mentioned condition is met.✦ Modifications are ok as long as the character is somewhat still recognizable.✦ If the character is feral, please do not acquire or do NSFW art of them unless you use a human(oid) or anthropomorphic form for them, I do not want to be linked to feral pornoghraphy in any way, you will be blacklisted and called out.✦ Don't make offsprings/adopt batches/copies of the character or a combination of character to sell.✦ You can not use the piece for any commercial purposes (this includes any form of minting, blockchains, crypto, NFTs, etc) without previously being authorized to do so by me.How does blacklisting work? If a person is blacklisted by me, they will be blocked across all platforms, refused any commission services and general interactions from me, and might be called out publically if their attitude is deemed dangerous or maliciuos. I expect not to blacklist anyone since these rules only require common decency and respect.

You must state that you have read and agree to these terms of service via a google form before ordering a commission, which will be sent after contacting me.


✦ You can repost a piece that features your character on your gallery, but you have to credit me in the description.✦ You can make prints of the work for personal use only, you can not use the piece for any commercial or generative purposes (this includes any form of minting, blockchains, crypto, AI, NFTs, etc).✦ Neither you nor a third party are allowed to crop my signature, edit, recolor, trace or vector the piece unless the person has been given explicit permission to do. Only resizing the piece for thumbnails and icons is permitted.✦ After you have received your finished commission (this includes any correction of mistakes) the transaction will be over and chargebacks will be invalid.✦ The client is receiving digital goods and services and will not receive shipments of any kind.


✦ I reserve the right to modify or change the present terms of service at any time. You the client accept to abide by these modifications or updates.✦ I own full copyright on my art. The customer will be paying for the service, not the copyrights.✦ I reserve the right to refuse service or cancel a commission for personal reasons at any time.✦ I will make stylistic choices if these fall under anything the client has not specified.✦ I do not have the right to make prints of your piece for commercial purposes.✦ I reserve the right to use rejected sketches or unfinished pieces due to lack of payment for future pieces or resales.✦ I will not send the .mdp or .psd files of the piece.

Will draw:

  • Pets

  • Anthro or feral

  • Ponies

  • Fantasy creatures and species

  • Regular or pastel gore (ask)

  • Micro/macro (SFW only)

  • Hypno (SFW only)

  • Characters smoking or drinking

  • Humanoids (ask)

Won't draw:

  • NSFW, nudity that includes any genitalia, fetish art

  • Any form of harassment

  • Diaper/ABLD/baby furs/age regression

  • Semen, urine or faeces.

  • Morbid obesity, giant muscles

  • Anything that has a political connotation

  • Complex armours, mecha, fully robotic characters (ask)

  • Human characters

  • Heavy drug or alcohol usage


Users who fail to demonstrate common decency and respect, break any of my rules repeatedly or that I personally don't feel comfortable working with may end up being blacklisted, which means that they will be blocked across all platforms, refused service of any type and will have any slots revoked and refunded if possible (you can read about my refund policies clicking here) without the possibility of re-claming the slot(s).My blacklist is private unless the individual is deemed to be dangerous or malicious in any way, in which case I might opt to post a callout / beware post across my platforms to inform my fellow artists and community members. Some examples of dangerous or malicious behaviour are scamming, any type of harrassment and modifying my existing art to make it pornographic, etc.

Contact me via:

You can contact me via discord or telegram, both @puflittoh, for quick replies.
También podes mensajearme en español :)!
Work message replies up to 08:00 PM (Argentina timezone)
I usually won't reply during weekends or holidays.

Deberá declarar que leyó y acepta los siguientes términos y condiciones a través de un google form antes de encargar una comisión, el cual será enviado luego de contactarme.


🕑 Tiempo de espera: hasta 1 mes como máximo para completar al 100% un dibujo. Este es solo un estimado que puede variar dependiendo de diferentes factores (lista actual de pedidos, magnitud de la orden, etc)💵 El pago debe ser enviado completo por adelantado. No envíe el pago antes de que se lo haya pedido explícitamente aunque haya trabajado conmigo previamente.💵 Reembolsos: Luego de la entrega del boceto se reembolsará hasta el 75%, luego del entintado hasta 50%. A partir del color se considera cada caso de manera individual. Puede cancelar la comisión antes de que comience a trabajar para obtener un reembolso completo🖌️ Modificaciones grandes al dibujo (cambiar de posición una parte del cuerpo, agregar o modificar la vestimenta) solo serán posibles durante la etapa del boceto exceptuando en los casos donde yo haya cometido un error al dibujar su personaje.⚠️ No voy a debatir con respecto a mis términos y condiciones ni me responsabilizo por cualquier consecuencia o problema causado por no leer los términos de manera detenida y completa antes de aceptarlos.

Como Cliente

✦ Puede compartir un dibujo en el que aparezca su personaje pero debe dar crédito en la descripción.✦ Puede pedir que el concepto para una comisión sea cambiado si todavía no he iniciado con el boceto. En el caso de que el/los personaje/s nuevo/s sean complicados, aplicarán las tarifas respectivas.✦ Puede hacer impresiones de su dibujo para uso personal, no puede destinar los dibujos a uso comercial o generativo (esto incluye cualquier tipo de minting, blockchains, IA, crypto, NFTs y derivados).✦ Ni el cliente ni terceros tienen permitido el recortar mi firma, editar, recolorar, calcar o vectorizar el dibujo a menos que se le haya otorgado permiso. Solo tiene permitido recortar la imagen para miniaturas y fotos de perfil.✦ Puede pedir fotos del proceso en cualquier momento, pero por favor sea razonable.✦ Tiene la obligación de colocar el sticker de crédito en el pack de stickers cuando sea creado.

Como Artista

✦ Me reservo el derecho a cambiar o modificar los presentes términos y condiciones en cualquier momento. Usted acepta estar sujeto a tales modificaciones o actualizaciones.✦ Yo conservaré el copyright de mis dibujos. El cliente pagará por los servicios, no el copyright.✦ Me reservo el derecho de negar el servicio o cancelar una comisión por razones personales en cualquier momento.✦ Realizaré pequeños cambios y ajustes en cuanto al estilo en el dibujo si estos no afectan alguna de las especificaciones dadas por el cliente.✦ No tengo el derecho de realizar impresiones de su dibujo para fines comerciales.✦ Me reservo el derecho de utilizar los bocetos rechazados o dibujos no terminados por falta de pago en futuros dibujos y reventas.✦ No enviaré los archivos .mdp o .psd del dibujo.

Sí dibujo:

  • Mascotas

  • Anthro y feral

  • Ponies

  • Creaturas de fantasía y especies

  • Gore o pastel gore (preguntar)

  • Micro/macro (Solo SFW)

  • Hypno (Solo SFW)

  • Personajes fumando o bebiendo

  • Humanoides (preguntar)

No dibujo:

  • NSFW, desnudez que incluya genitales, arte fetichista

  • Cualquier tipo de acoso

  • Diaper/ABLD/baby furs/age regression

  • Semen, orina o heces

  • Obesidad mórbida, músculos gigantes

  • Cualquier cosa que tenga connotación política

  • Armaduras complejas, mecha, personajes 100 robóticos (preguntar)

  • Personajes humanos

  • Drogas o uso excesivo de alcohol o sustancias

Lista Negra

Los usuarios que no demuestren mínima decencia y respeto, que rompan cualquiera de mis reglas de manera repetida o con los cuales no me sienta cómoda trabajando personalmente pueden terminar en la lista negra, lo que significa que será bloqueado en todas las plataformas, se le rehusará el servicio de cualquier tipo y se le reembosarán los cupos dentro de lo posible (pueden leer acerca de las condiciones de reembolsos en la sección "proceso" arriba)Mi lista negra es privada a menos que el usuario en cuestión sea considerado peligroso o malicioso, en cuyo caso puedo excepcionalmente optar por postear un beware / callout en mis redes para advertir sobre su comportamiento a mis colegas y miembros de las comunidades. Algunos ejemplos de acciones que considero peligrosas o maliciosas son estafas, acoso de cualquier tipo y modificar mi arte para darle carácter pornográfico o fetichista, entre otros.

With this ko-fi subscription, you'll get access to many benefits, such as:✦ Monthly digital or traditional art rewards depending on the tier
✦ Early access to my art, as well as exclusive access to some pieces
✦ Extras like ko-fi exclusive bases, discounts, early access to adopts, etc
✦ Occassional requests, which open for all tiers!

Rewards examples galleries

Choose a Tier:

Tier Rewards Examples:

With the sketchy rabbit tier, you'll get a monthly traditional headshot like the ones below!

Tier Rewards Examples:

With the sketchy rabbit tier, you'll get a monthly experimental digital piece, which can vary in size and level of polishing, like the ones below!I will always do my very best to make it worth your every penny by either going all out if it's a small piece, or by making it a big one! Either way, you can bet I'm pouring my heart and soul into it while having fun experimenting with your critters >:3

✨️The Rabbit's VIP Pass✨️

Suscripción mensual exclusiva para personas de Argentina. El precio es de 1000 ARS y puede ser abonado con cualquier método de pago aceptado por mercadopago.


  • Acceso a mi arte 1 mes a 1 mes y medio (o más!) antes de que lo postee públicamente

  • Acceso a arte gratuito ("requests") ocasionales, ya sean YCHs, arte a papel, digital u otros medios

  • Acceso a secciones premium del servidor de discord y acceso al canal de telegram privado, los cuales tendrán ocasionales descuentos

  • Acceso a bases y adoptables ya sea antes de tiempo o de manera excusiva

¿Interesado? ¡Entonces te invito a chequear el formulario de google para postularte >:3! Tiene toda la información necesaria para recibir tus beneficios.
(El formulario es meramente una medida de seguridad ¡Nada del otro mundo! No le tengas miedo <3)